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Publisher:Gyratory sifter,gyratory screen separation equipments Date:2014-12-10 13:41
Why adopt M&Y gyratory shaker screener
  1. The application for the gyratory shaker screener
For vibrating shaker screen application, we could divided into three function as scalping screening, fine material removal screening and grading screening
(1)For the scalping screening is for removing the oversize material, but the content of the coarse size material is less than 10%, even less than 5%, the undersize material is the request finished production.
(2)Fines material removal screening is for removing the undersize material, the content of the fines material is very little, always less than 10%, the material on size above the screen mesh is the request finished production.
(3)Grading screening also we call it sizing, it separate the material into request specific size material, it could be single layer deck, and also could be multiple layer deck screener, in this application, maybe every size material is the request finished material.
  1. The main features of the gyratory shaker screener.
(1)The shake movement path: For the shaker screener, it have three movement path, one circle in the material feeding end, the elliptical path in the middle section of screen box and one linear movement path in the material discharge end.
The circle movement path could spread the material bed full width of the screen deck, do not additional machinery for spreading material.
The elliptical motion path could screening material sufficiently because the material bed is spreading fully along the screen deck width.
The linear movement path could discharge the screened material quickly.
(2)The large amplitude (gyratory reciprocating stroke)
The gyratory shaker screener amplitude is 50mm-88mm, the material movement path distance will be very large with its specific gyratory reciprocating motion. The material will more distance for screening.
(3)Gyratory reciprocating shaker movement on one plane
Because the shaker screener motion is on one plane, there is no vertical vibration, so the material is on the screen deck surface all the time and the undersize material could pass the mash aperture size at any time, so could increase the screening capacity.
(4)Little installation slope angle
The gyratory shaker screen installation angle is about 4-8 degrees, it is very little, the projection of screen mesh aperture is much more similar with the fact screen mesh aperture size, so the screening material could march the request material size.
Copyright: Mega Young Screening Technology Co.,Ltd           Phone:+86-373 2698111/222 Fax:+86-373 3045038 Email: info@megayoungscreener.com
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gyratory shaker screen sifter separator