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Publisher:Gyratory sifter,gyratory screen separation equipments Date:2014-11-05 09:15
Material testing separation with our gyratory separator

We set up two gyratory separator in our workshop for metarila testing in our workshop, we could test screening the customer supplied material at any time, in order to get the request data, we could adjust the feeding rate, fit with differet  size screener mesh, adjust the material size distribution ect, we could get the proper screening data after many times of test separation, then offer customer the proper advice and select the proper screener and separator.
Copyright: Mega Young Screening Technology Co.,Ltd           Phone:+86-373 2698111/222 Fax:+86-373 3045038 Email: info@megayoungscreener.com
flink: Gyratory-screen-manufacturer
gyratory shaker screen sifter separator