Proper gyratory sifter model for sugar

Proper gyratory sifter model for sugar

As we know, the sugar is easy to absorb the moisture from the air then became very sticky, during the process for grading, scalping or finds removing with vibrating screener equipment, the sugar is easy to adhere to the mesh wire then block the mesh aperture, so it stop the screener equipment running to cleaning the mesh, but the mesh changing time affect the production line stop time, the shorter mesh chaning time, the better, in our MHG model gyratory sifter equipment is one kind screener that is easy to change the mesh, it only need about two labors to change the whole mesh within 10 mins, and it is save, because the screener mesh could be changed from two side of the screener box, one little mesh just 2-3KGS weight, for details, please check the details about our MHG model gyratory vibrating screen.